今天下午有位受“粤语教育“的顾客嘲弄我:Are You Malaysian? how come u don't speak cantonese?
后记: 一些朋友的回响:
Daniel Lee: 骂回他!!哈哈!!
Eng Kim Chai: 冰山的一角啦。。。。 ^^·
Seow Yuening 蕭悅寧 :居然有這種怪胎?
Jacky Ng 卿仁:这里很多,我每次还得用走音的中文和他们沟通,才能得到吉隆坡人的认同。
Nick See :Jacky,no need to bother this kind of plp,u must watch Namewee MTV,title is kawanku.And u sen back one teachew language to your cust."wu pu ni abu"
Eng Siew Hun :她自己是香蕉人还敢说你,真无聊!哈。。我也不会说哦,那我和你一样不是马来西亚人
PH Ngee: 我的老板和上司都是香港人,我工作环境广东话为主,我不会讲广东话.我还是我:p
Eugene Goh: 那个auntie 太没有眼光了、以自己肤浅的判断来衡量周边的人。换成是在新加坡,那么多的华人都不会
Ng Shin Yee :我以华人讲华语而骄傲,广东话玩玩就可以鸟~
Paolo Shih :當我被別人笑我的廣東話爛的時候, 我也是跟著笑, 因為下一秒我還是快樂的過我自己的生活 ^^
Suanly Tay :说了就气!我曾被‘吉隆坡土生土长的华人’笑说:蛤!你只会说华语!?那你只能去中
Liang Tian Yong: KL people damn rule, next time ask him/her know how to speak Chinese or not. Than buy him/her a banana.
Ys Tan : 小仁子,何必动怒?回来火星啦,我们骑摩托去!
Wilbur Fum :問囘她:how come u don't speak mandarin?Are You Chinese?
Jacky Ng卿仁 :跟她辩也是徒然的。
Wilbur Fum : 走音的中文? 哈哈哈 這句好笑
Thomas Leong : what's the fuck contonese guest!!
Jacky Ng 卿仁 : thomas,冷静啊,你也是说广东话的啊=p
Thomas Leong : 看不起人就是不對! 我是說廣東話,但不會像牠一樣~
Jacky Ng 卿仁 : 我吾晓讲广东话, 你系吾系识讲? 咁你教我讲 好没?
Thomas Leong : 梗係可以教你講啦,廣東話係我母語黎架嘛~ 哈哈
Jacky Ng 卿仁 : Thomas, 既然系咁, 吾该嗮你先。等你黎马来, 我教你讲马来文, 靓无?
Thomas Leong : 好!! 我還要學閩南語~
Kelvin Yew : Jacky, we shld use cantonese during our conversation next time.. ^_^
Kelvin Yew : Ha ha... Jacky, 你会用“靓无“,哈哈!直头靓啦 =)
Jacky Ng 卿仁 : kelvin, 真系后悔细个果阵吾学讲广东话, 搞到以家卑人笑 :(
Kelvin Yew : 吾会啦,你以家讲得几好,有心吾怕迟!! =)
Nicholas Tan : cant blame him. even a lot of Hong Kongers thought that all Malaysians can speak Cantonese. Had a hard time learning Cantonese in HK but its fun. Frankly speaking, I met some Msian Chinese in HK who cannot speak Mandarin!! then I know that they did not went to SJK (C) before. If I ever met someone who ask me this question, I will sympathize them. And ya... Msian Mandarin ROX!!! This generation, our Mandarin are better than a lot of overseas Chinese origins!
Jacky Ng 卿仁 : Nicholas, i didn't blame them, i was actually sympathize then as well. this is the common problem in kl,not other state . ( just like Penang chinese won't blame ppl who dun speak hokkien, same as east malaysian chinese who speak Hakka, they won't expect everyone must learn hakka)
Nicholas Tan : haha... totally can understand. Well... it needs time for KL Chinese to switch to Mandarin esp I remember when I was young RTM still aired a lot of HK Cantonese show. New generation needs to watch more Mandarin show. Another thing abt Malaysian Mandarin is that our slang is VERY STRONG!!! I can simply point out who is Malaysian Chinese once they open their mouth overseas.
Jacky Ng 卿仁 : i can't stop to laugh everytime when i heard malaysian mandarin: 几美一下, 美到~~!
Nicholas Tan : (all the bad influence from Cantonese) :X
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